This guide is to show you how to use mod_auth_custom_http in prosody.
Download extension
You can download the latest version of the module here:
Place the module in /usr/lib/prosody/modules/
Edit Module
Change this one line (local postdata) on module mod_auth_custom_http.lua
local getpass_authentication_profile = {
plain_test = function(sasl, username, password, realm)
--local postdata = json.encode({ username = username, password = password });
local postdata = "username="..username.."&password="..password;
local result = http.request(post_url, postdata);
return result == "true", true;
return new_sasl(, getpass_authentication_profile);
This module is not sending application/json header, but application/x-www-form-urlencoded. So your api should be ready to handle that request. There are 2 parameter inside the api request that is ‘username’ & ‘password’.
Edit Your Prosody Config FIle
nano /etc/prosody/conf.d/<domain>.cfg.lua
Add / Edit some line here:
consider_bosh_secure = true
consider_websocket_secure = true
VirtualHost "<>"
authentication = "custom_http"
auth_custom_http = { post_url = "http://<the api url>"; }
Important! This prosody module doesn’t support https post_url.