Setup Kibana with Xpack & SSL on Ubuntu 18.04

Written by: Bagus Facsi Aginsa
Published at: 01 May 2021

Kibana is a data visualization and exploration tool that is specialized for large volumes of streaming and real-time data. The software makes huge and complex data streams more easily and quickly understandable through graphic representation. In short, this is the Web GUI for Elasticsearch.


  1. Ubuntu 18.04 or later
  2. Valid SSL Certificate & Keys
  3. Elasticsearch already running and enabled with Xpack & SSL. If you haven’t, try to read this tutorial: Setup Elasticsearch with Xpack & SSL on Ubuntu 18.04

Sudo Privileges

Before start we make sure that we will have no permission issue on the installation and configuration.

sudo su

Install Kibana

Install dependencies

apt install apt-transport-https

Import elasticsearch gpg key

wget -qO - | apt-key add -

Update ubuntu repo

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list
apt update

Install the latest version of kibana

apt install kibana

Or, If you want a specific version of kibana to match your elasticsearch version, check the kibana version available first

apt list kibana -a

And then you can install wich version do you want, for example if you want version 7.14.0, execute this command

apt install kibana=7.14.0

Basic Kibana Configuration

Open kibana configuration file

nano /etcd/kibana/kibana.yml

You can set most of the value to default, you just need to edit some parameter.

Edit the binding address so kibana can be accessed from anywhere, not only from localhost ""

Edit elasticsearc host to match your elasticsearch domain. For example my elasticsearch domain is

elasticsearch.hosts: [""]

Edit your elasticsearch username and password. You must already have a username and password when activating the Xpack on the elasticsearch, use that for this configuration. For example I have user kibana_system and password kibana@123:

elasticsearch.username: "kibana_system"
elasticsearch.password: "kibana@123"

Save & Exit. Start kibana service

service kibana start

Right Now, we should see the kibana landing page on port 5601. To check it, you can try using this command:

netstat -ntplu | grep 5601

It will display something like this

tcp        0  *               LISTEN      1174/node

You can also access kibana from your browser by accessing to

http://<your kibana ip>:5601

Enabling Xpack

By default, if your elasticsearch is already enabled using xpack, then the xpack in kibana is also enabled. The prove is that your kibana have a login page when you test it earlier. If your kibana doesn’t have a login page, then your elasticsearch is still not configured with xpack correctly.

Altough the xpack is already enabled, there are some additional xpack setting that we need to set in order to activate some feature in kibana. To configure them, open the kibana configuration file

nano /etcd/kibana/kibana.yml

Add this 3 line of code in the bottom of the file:

xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey: <32 character string>
xpack.reporting.encryptionKey: <32 character string> <32 character string>

Now you must provide this <32 character string>. You can do this just by running this command on the cli:

openssl rand -hex 16

This will give us a random 32 character string. Like this


Run this command 3 times to get 3 random string, and then configure the xpack like this:

xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey: 1a703de8a09fcfe667f8d5c2f0885de3
xpack.reporting.encryptionKey: f27ad99f3d9a4611b56b6d4959d9763b 0d73aeb3b49d6531d81eb2adeef6807e

Save & Exit, and then restart kibana service

service kibana restart

Enabling SSL

To enable the SSL, first we need to place our SSL certificate & key. Create directory in kibana home:

mkdir /usr/share/kibana/cert

Place your certificate inside this directory, and don’t forget to give read persission to the file

chmod +r /usr/share/kibana/cert/*

Open kibana configuration file

nano /etc/kibana/kibana.yml

Add this 3 lines of code in the bottom of the file

server.ssl.enabled: true
server.ssl.certificate: /usr/share/kibana/cert/<certificate-name>.crt
server.ssl.key: /usr/share/kibana/cert/<certificate-key-name>.key

You must match <certificate-name> and <certificate-key-name> with the file name.

restart kibana service

service kibana restart

Wait around 1-5 minutes, and then test weather the kibana is configured correctly by opening your kibana from the browser using your domain that match your SSL certificate and key. For example my kibana domain is Access this url from the browser:

Congrats! Right now you already setup your Kibana with Xpack & SSL enabled on Ubuntu 18.04.